University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
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DivL performs critical cell cycle functions in Caulobacter crescentus independent of kinase activity. Journal of bacteriology. 189(22):8308-20.
2007. The CtrA response regulator essential for Caulobacter crescentus cell-cycle progression requires a bipartite degradation signal for temporally controlled proteolysis. Journal of molecular biology. 324(3):443-55.
2002. The BAM complex subunit BamE (SmpA) is required for membrane integrity, stalk growth and normal levels of outer membrane {beta}-barrel proteins in Caulobacter crescentus. Microbiology (Reading, England). 156(Pt 3):742-56.
2010. Mas6p can be cross-linked to an arrested precursor and interacts with other proteins during mitochondrial protein import. The Journal of biological chemistry. 268(32):23743-6.
1993. Temporal and spatial regulation in prokaryotic cell cycle progression and development. Annual review of biochemistry. 72:367-94.
2003. SMS1, a high-copy suppressor of the yeast mas6 mutant, encodes an essential inner membrane protein required for mitochondrial protein import. Molecular biology of the cell. 5(5):529-38.
1994. Recruitment of a cytoplasmic response regulator to the cell pole is linked to its cell cycle-regulated proteolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(19):7415-20.
2004. Protein translocation across mitochondrial membranes: what a long, strange trip it is. Cell. 83(4):517-9.
1995. Partners in crime: phosphotransfer profiling identifies a multicomponent phosphorelay. Molecular microbiology. 59(2):361-3.
2006. Characterization of the mitochondrial inner membrane translocase complex: the Tim23p hydrophobic domain interacts with Tim17p but not with other Tim23p molecules. Molecular and cellular biology. 18(1):178-87.